To Alleviate July 2023 Storm Damage
On July 29th, 2023, a mammoth thunderstorm swept through Northwest Washington, DC, and caused extensive damage to the Cathedral gardens and grounds. According to the Washington Post, “wind gusts exceeding 80 mph created a localized downburst,” causing extensive damage including the loss of around 40 trees.
For several weeks the horticulture staff closed the woods while professional tree experts worked to remove fallen trees and major debris. The staff ensured no additional limbs will fall in and near the woods.
Clearing work is still continuing and only afterward can replanting begin. Costs incurred to date for the clearing are in excess of $200,000, and repair/replacement of the landscape is expected to reach close to $100,000.
In response to this unprecedented event, All Hallows Guild has launched an emergency fundraising campaign for the repair and recovery of this historic landscape.
The gardens and grounds surrounding Washington National Cathedral serve a broad cross-section of Washington area residents and visitors to the nation’s capital. Throughout the pandemic, while other parks and facilities were closed, the Close gardens remained open to all.
Who covers the cost for the support of the grounds? The Close’s horticulture and landscaping expenses are shared collectively by the 5 entities that make up The Protestant Episcopal Cathedral Foundation (PECF): Washington National Cathedral, the three Cathedral Close schools (Beauvoir, National Cathedral, and St. Albans), and All Hallows Guild. Since its founding in 1916, the All Hallows Guild’s unique mission has been to help preserve and maintain this outdoor treasure.
Please consider joining All Hallows Guild in assisting the PECF in raising funds to cover the unanticipated costs created by the intense July 29 storm. To donate, click the DONATE box below or mail a check to “PECF for the benefit of All Hallows Guild”, with “2023 Storm Fund” in the memo line.
Many thanks!
All Hallows Guild
Washington National Cathedral
3101 Wisconsin Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20016-5098