In recent years, fundraising activities, membership dues, and memorial gifts have enabled the Guild to invest more than 6 million dollars to improve and maintain the Cathedral gardens and grounds. We continue to keep the gardens open to the public, free of charge, every day.

All Hallows Guild has coordinated with the Cathedral in the repair and renovation of the front garden at Church House.
Part of the area of the garden and lawn was excavated and destroyed to install new gas lines. Destruction can always be an opportunity, and our horticulturists have consulted with the Garden Committee to create a new design for the front garden, for which the Guild contributed funds.
Each summer All Hallows Guild sponsors two or three garden interns. Their young and energetic work helps our staff during the intensive growing (and weeding) season, and they receive both practical experience and mentorship by working with the horticulture staff.
This summer our interns designed the 2023 displays to be planted in the Sundial Bed - a spring show of tulips and bold summer annuals.
The garden next to Pilgrim Road, a memorial to Mrs Phyllis Nitze, former All Hallows Guild President, has been redesigned and replanted.
The extensive rebuilding of the stone wall that backs the Nitze Garden, commissioned by All Hallows Guild, allowed the new plantings to be safely installed.
The Guild joined the Million Pollinator Garden Challenge by adding cocoons of Osmia ‘blue orchard bees (a non-stinging variety of bees) to trees around the Bishop’s Garden.
A new Pollinator Garden, designed by a team of Guild-sponsored summer interns, has been installed adjacent to the entrance to National Cathedral School’s Athletic Center.
All Hallows Guild addressed the issue of making the Bishop's Garden easier to navigate for those with mobility problems.
Stone paths and steps in the Bishop's Garden have been reset and wrought iron railings added in several places.
Hallows Guild continues to build upon the 1998-2008 Olmsted Woods preservation and erosion control project. That decade-long effort was successful in addressing water runoff, soil compaction, and tree degradation.
A topographical survey was completed at the end of 2019, followed by a tree survey that assessed tree conditions and includes a plan for long-term care of the trees. We have worked with landscape architects and engineers to determine specifics for the landing area of the former woods bridge and for a horticulture maintenance yard near the facilities building.
All Hallows Guild has continued to preserve the historic 15-century stone sculptures that have given the Bishop's Garden a look of antiquity during the century since they were placed in the walls and planting beds.
We engaged McKay Lodge Conservation to perform necessary work on the Carolingian Font and the Bas Reliefs in the upper garden wall.

Currently the Guild is raising funds for the following projects:
- The Guild has been working with landscape architects and engineers to determine specifics for the landings of the former woodland bridge - with the ultimate goal of erosion control and watershed restoration in the Olmsted Woods.
- We continue to fund restoration and maintenance of our antique carousel to assure it will continue to delight the young and young at heart each year during Flower Mart.
- All Hallows Guild has continued to preserve the historic 15-century stone sculptures that have given the Bishop's Garden a look of antiquity during the century since they were placed in the walls and planting beds.
- The Strong-Wright Fountain requires restoration. The Rosalind Wright Memorial fountain, designed by Alice Strong, was planned as a children’s fountain. We would like to have the restored fountain moved to a more visible location in the Garden.
Help us Keep the
Gardens Growing
Partner with us to ensure that the 57 acres of gardens and grounds surrounding Washington National Cathedral continue to be a haven of peace and refreshment in the midst of the Nation’s Capital.