Flower Mart Corporate Sponsorship


The Annual Flower Mart at Washington National Cathedral

Friday, May 2nd and Saturday, May 3rd, 2025

Since 1939 All Hallows Guild has held Flower Mart as a benefit for the Cathedral’s Gardens and Grounds.

We invite you to partner with us as we present two days of fun and activities for the entire family at Washington’s premier spring family festival with an annual attendance of over 20,000 visitors. Eight First Ladies and many dignitaries have attended past Flower Marts – including Washington, DC’s Mayor, Muriel Bowser, who has officially opened the previous three Flower Marts.

Why be a Flower Mart Sponsor?

  • Gain publicity and community goodwill through association with a well-received and highly publicized event. Last year Flower Mart was prominently featured on several local newscasts.
  • Reach a broad audience – of over 20,000 attendees, and the diplomatic and multicultural community through Flower Mart’s affiliation with Cultural Tourism DC ‘s Passport DC program.

Email questions to: FMsponsors@allhallowsguild.org

Flower Mart 2018
DC Mayor Muriel Bowser and Aide carrying the Flower Mart Tote Bag
Shoppers with Flower Mart Tote Bags
Feather Banner


Corporate Sponsorship Levels:

Platinum Sponsor $5,000

  • Sponsor name/logo will be featured prominently on the Flower Mart reusable tote bag— a sought-after item at the Mart.
  • Sponsor will receive a color full-page ad (8.5 x 11”) in the Flower Mart program. First to sign on may choose back cover or inside front or back covers placement for their ad.
  • All Hallows Guild will place two large feather banners acknowledging Sponsor on the Cathedral grounds during Flower Mart.
  • Sponsor name/logo will be featured for at least 6 months on the Flower Mart section of the All Hallows Guild website.
  • Sponsor’s logo & hot link to their website will appear in monthly e-newsletter (readership 3500) from commitment date to Flower Mart weekend.
  • All Hallows Guild will acknowledge Sponsor on Social Media (Facebook, Instagram) once per week for 6 weeks.
  • Looping Video with Sponsor name/logo featured will run continuously on screens inside the National Cathedral during Flower Mart.
  • Platinum Plus: For an additional donation of $500, sponsor may have their own booth (10′ x 10′) both days of Flower Mart. Sponsors may not sell items at the Mart, but may hand out materials related to their business and/or appropriate swag.

Gold Sponsor $3,000

  • Sponsor name/logo will be featured on the very popular Flower Mart reusable tote bag
  • Sponsor will receive a full page black & white OR color half-page ad (8.5 x 5.5”)* may be upgraded to full page color for an additional $300. in the Flower Mart program.
  • All Hallows Guild will place one large feather banner acknowledging Sponsor on the Cathedral grounds during Flower Mart.
  • Sponsor name/logo will be featured for at least 6 months on the Flower Mart section of the All Hallows Guild website.
  • Sponsor’s logo & hot link to their website will appear in monthly e-newsletter (readership 3500) from commitment date to Flower Mart weekend.
  • All Hallows Guild will acknowledge Sponsor on Social Media (Facebook, Instagram) once per week for 4 weeks.
    Looping Video with Sponsor name/logo featured will run continuously on screens inside the National Cathedral during Flower Mart.
  • Gold Plus: For an additional donation of $700, sponsor may have their own booth (10′ x 10′) both days of Flower Mart. Sponsors may not sell items at the Mart, but may hand out materials related to their business and/or appropriate swag.

Silver Sponsor $1,500

  • Sponsor name/logo will be listed on the Flower Mart reusable tote bag.
  • Sponsor will receive a half-page black & white ad (8.5 x 5.5”) in the Flower Mart program. May upgrade to color for $250. add’l
  • Sponsor name/logo will be featured for 3 months on the Flower Mart section of the All Hallows Guild website.
  • Sponsor’s logo & hot link to their website will appear in monthly e-newsletter (readership 3500) for 3 months.
  • All Hallows Guild will acknowledge Sponsor on Social Media (FaceBook, Instagram) once per week for 3 weeks.
  • Silver Plus: For an additional donation of $1000, sponsor may have their own booth (10′ x 10′) both days of Flower Mart. Sponsors may not sell items at the Mart, but may hand out materials related to their business and/or appropriate swag.

Bronze Sponsor $750

  • Sponsor will receive a b & w ad (2.25 x 4.5”) in the Flower Mart program. (*may upgrade ad size to 1/2 b & w page for add’l $250.)
  • Sponsor name will be featured for 2 months on the Flower Mart section of the All Hallows Guild website.
  • Sponsor’s logo & hot link to their website will appear in one monthly e-newsletter (readership 3500).
  • All Hallows Guild will acknowledge Sponsor on Social Media once per week for 2 weeks.

Brass Sponsor $400

  • Sponsor will be acknowledged in the Flower Mart program.
  • Sponsor name will be featured for 1 month on the Flower Mart section of the All Hallows Guild website.
  • All Hallows Guild will acknowledge Sponsor on Social Media once per week for 1 week.


Click on the button to download the Corporate Sponsorship Form (and mail it to us with your sponsorship check), or fill out the online form below.

Flower Mart Corporate Sponsorship

  • Enter links to social media accounts. All Hallows Guild will promote Flower Mart Sponsors on Facebook and Twitter (see sponsorship levels above).
  • $0.00


All Hallows Guild was founded in 1916 to provide for the care and beautification of the grounds of Washington National Cathedral. The Guild works closely with the horticultural staff to preserve this historic landscape and raises funds for renovation and renewal of the gardens.


  • (202) 537-2937
  • ahg@allhallowsguild.org
  • 3101 Wisconsin Ave NW
    Washington, DC 20016


You’ll see what’s new in the gardens and learn about our upcoming events by subscribing to our monthly email newsletter.

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