July 11, 2019

For years, spring-flowering bulbs were planted in several of the beds in the Bishop’s Garden; however, digging up the spent bulbs after bloom was destructive to the formal perennial plantings. Recently only the Sundial Bed became a showcase for spring bulbs and was afterward filled with other plants.

For a long while, herbs were in place for summer and fall. However, the Hortulus features herbs from historic lists for cooking, medicine, or strewing in a medieval monastery or home, so our gardeners have begun using annuals in various creative designs for summer interest.

This year the Sundial’s theme is “Grandmother’s Garden” and many rather old-fashioned flowers are in place for beautiful summer color and a hint of nostalgia. Featured are: Gladiolas, Zinnias, Gomphrena “Fireworks”, Verbascum “Banana Custard”, African Blue Basil, Lantana, Mecardonia “Gold Dust”, Mirabilis jalapa ”Salmon Sunset” (4 o’clocks), and Dahlias.

Come by and see the riot of color and perhaps recall gardens you once knew. And take note that the 18th century English bronze sundial sits on a 13th century Gothic capital of Caen limestone from a ruined monastery near Rheims Cathedral.