May 18, 2018

All Hallows Guild sponsors Bird Walks in the Olmsted Woods – usually twice in the spring and twice during the fall migration periods.
The spring 2018 walks, led by Sheila Cochran, were held on Thursday, May 10th and 17th. Walkers were treated to some good sightings.
Twenty-two different bird species were seen and documented during the walks, ranging from chimney swifts to a red-bellied Woodpecker. The walkers viewed several red-eyed Vireos, Yellow-rumped Warblers and a Turkey Vulture in flight.

Join us for one of our fall Bird Walks.

Two walks are scheduled for September – Wednesday, September 5 and Wednesday, September 12 at 8:30 am. Walkers meet at the George Washington statue on Pilgrim Road.
The birds sighted are logged in the Cornell University eBird files: