November 7, 2020
Destruction becomes an opportunity
Digging up the roots of old plantings New plantings in front of Church House
All Hallows Guild has coordinated with the Cathedral in the repair and renovation of the front garden at Church House. Part of the area of the garden and lawn was excavated and destroyed to install new gas lines. Destruction can always be an opportunity, and our horticulturists have consulted with the Garden Committee to create a new design for the front garden, for which the Guild contributed funds.

The entire front garden, including the area adjacent to the cafe patio, has been replanted. This area, which borders South Road, is seen by visitors entering the Cathedral grounds from Wisconsin Avenue. New sod, shrubs, trees, and perennials were installed.

Church house was originally the residence of the Bishop. It is now the headquarters of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington and includes offices for the Bishop and staff.